Wellness Programs Should Be Like Your Shuffled Playlist
When you hit shuffle on your phone’s playlist you fully expect the next song in the queue to be random, but also to automatically play after this song ends. Why is that? Why do we have the utmost expectation in shuffle?
Is it because we know the backend coding?Doubtful. Is it because a genie in a bottle told us this will happen? Possibly, but unlikely.
What I believe is the reason we have full expectation in the output, is because of the inputs that were coded. If you switch one thing, it would not shuffle. But the inputs are put in line so perfectly, that you expect every single time for your phone to shuffle onto the next.
You may be saying Bryce, what does this have to do with wellness programs at all? Great question. If what you want is a healthier, happier, more engaged workforce as an output, the input needs to be so in line that your EXPECTATION is exactly what you asked.
So what are the inputs that lead to these outputs?
Having an organization for one is a starting place; let’s say that’s equivalent to owning a phone. It’s a start, otherwise you couldn’t be in the game at all right.
Second is having the music app downloaded onto your phone; that’s the equivalent of having employees.
Third is creating a playlist… something that sets the mood, helps you when you’re down. Makes you even happier on your best days. That’s the equivalent of a wellness program.
So now what are the inputs needed to make the wellness program success AUTOMATIC with your expectations.
Program needs to be holistic
If the playlist only had one song the playlist wouldn’t last for very long and you’d move on to the next
Program needs to be communicated effectively
If you had no idea what song was playing or up next how could you ever go back to those songs? You’d just say, “oh cool song.” Then NEVER think of it again.
Program needs to fulfill on the promise(mental health coaches need to coach mental health)
A song shouldn’t pop up in the queue and it plays a completely different song, that makes no sense and you lose trust.
Program needs to be accessible to all(Website, mobile app, etc.)
If your playlist was on some random app you logged into 8 months ago with some fake email address, you’d never listen to it again.
Program needs to have high participation rate from employees
Seems obvious, but if the songs on the playlist aren’t songs you like, you won’t keep listening to them. You need buy in.
Program needs leadership support
If the owner of the music app was bashing the app everyday would you still use that app?
Program needs to have a way of receiving feedback & ways to improve
“Rate your experience with us” pops up every now and then for a reason. It’s helpful for all parties.
If you have those 7 things your wellness program output will become automatic.
We can set one up for you and your organization at no net cost!